What Can You Do With an Exercise Science Degree?

Sep 12, 2023

Edited by: Danielle Abel

Having a degree in exercise science can be really valuable to show that you have a good understanding of the human body and exercise science. 

Going beyond a certification alone can set you up to be an excellent personal trainer, cardiac rehab specialist, gym manager, or strength coach. 

But you still have to put in the work to make connections, continue to learn, and become more valuable. 

1. Exercise Physiologist

Exercise physiologists primarily work in clinical settings and use their knowledge of exercise tests and exercise prescription to help their patients improve their health. 

2. Personal Trainer

Tons of people in nearly every city all around the world are willing to pay for help with exercise, which provides many opportunities for personal training. 

3. Gym Manager

Corporate gyms need managers, but there's also opportunities with small gyms or training facilities if you work hard and can get people in the door. 

4. Group Fitness Instructor

Get paid to workout. Doing this full-time might be too much stress on your body, so a part-time position might be more doable. 

5. Sport Coach

If you're really passionate about a sport, this can be a great option. It's tough though to work your way up to college and the pros.

6. Referee

If you improve your skills and move to high school or college, you can earn pretty good money, as long as you don't mind getting yelled at. 

7. Online Fitness Coach

If you enjoy the programming side of training more than the in person interactions and don't mind being behind a computer, this can be a great option. Build up one client at a time with the focus on keeping them accountable so that they can get great results. 

8. Social Media Manager 

Gyms, physical therapy clinics, sports performance centers, etc. are looking for social media managers. They often aren't formally hiring for the job, but if you put your foot in the door and do a good job, it could turn into a great business for you. 

9. Physical Therapy Aide

This is different than a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA). A lot of pre-PT and DPT students get a PT Aide job while studying to get familiar with the clinic environment. It's a great way to see if you actually enjoy being in the clinic. 

10. Cardiac Rehab

This is another steady job where you'll help people regain their fitness and strength to improve their health condition and optimize their function. 

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