Running, Core, and Motor Control

core core stability motor learning training for running Jun 21, 2022

You don’t have a “Weak Core,” you lack motor control!⁣⁣

Let’s imagine a runner that can hold a 4-minute plank, do 50 ball pikes, or hold a straight leg raise

⁣⁣But…… as soon as they run they crank into lumbar extension

 *Enter PT*

  • PT: “You have a weak core”⁣⁣
  • Runner: “Uhh what..?”⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Here’s what’s going on

It’s not a “weak core” they just have never been coached on how to Carry, March, Step-up, or Lunge right!⁣⁣

Check mobility!

If they can’t extend their hip, all the core strength in the world won’t improve their gait pattern! (We have a previous blog post on this, located here).

Don’t be the “You have a weak core” coach programming 3 x 30-second planks

There’s a time and place for planks, but chances are you need to reach for the Kettlebell and teach them how to carry, march, step up, or lunge correctly.

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